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The primary role of a committee member is to fulfil the functions of the committee as delineated in the ‘New Plymouth Little Theatre Society Inc. Rules’ and associated policies and procedures. Each member of the NPLT committee is asked to recognise the important responsibility that is undertaken by serving in this role and to personally commit to carry out all duties and obligations in a trustworthy and diligent manner.


  1. Each committee member commits to carry out the following duties with integrity, due care, and a willingness to add value through his or her service:
  2. Prioritise participation in all committee communications (email, group messages, conference calls, etc.), and actively participate in the accomplishment of objectives.
  3. Be prepared to contribute to the discussion of issues addressed at scheduled meetings/conference calls, having read the agenda and all background support material relevant to the meeting/conference call.
  4. Recognise that the committee member may be asked to contribute his or her unique resources, such as professional skills, expertise, or knowledge.
  5. Become educated about any issues discussed by the committee as needed.
  6. Recognise that the committee is the management team of the NPLT business and as such needs to be able to provide significant time to the running of this business, to ensure the future prosperity of the society.
  7. Maintain NPLT’s policies and standards, disclose all potential conflicts of interest, and act faithfully in this position for the benefit and interests of NPLT’s members, and those who they serve, without personal gain.

These responsibilities represent a commitment to New Plymouth Little Theatre Society Inc. and its members, and they are a condition of membership of the committee. Failure to comply with these responsibilities may result in termination of service as a committee member.

By accepting a role of committee member of
New Plymouth Little Theatre Society Inc, you agree to this Statement of Commitment