Our latest offering, SOCIAL CLIMBERS, hits the stage in April. It was penned by Sir Roger Hall KNZM QSO, who is one of New Zealand’s most successful playwrights, best known for comedies with a vein of social criticism.
His most well-known plays are ‘Glide Time’, which was produced in 1976, and later made for television in New Zealand as ‘Gliding On’, and ‘Middle Age Spread’ which was made into a feature film.
Hall is a pre-eminent observer, with the talent to go beyond the smart one-liners, and often picks on the angst and aggravations of the middle class. From that gentle dig at the public service in ‘Gliding On’, and 1987’s ‘The Share Club’, (the year the markets crashed on Black Friday and Mortifying Monday), to ‘Social Climbers’ in 1995 where five teachers go mad in a tramping hut, and ‘The Book Club’ in 1999.
We’re excited to show you our version of Roger Hall’s Social Climbers. This clever kiwi comedy is directed by Steve Wright who we will profile next week!
Earlybird tickets for Social Climbers are available now until 19th February, so be in quick to get the best seats in the house